Welcome to the TMS School Counseling Page


TMS School Counselor

What is a School Counselor?

A school counselor works with teachers and parents/guardians to support the personal, social/ emotional, and academic growth of ALL students. Taking into consideration the "whole child", the counselor takes a team approach to problem solving with students, teachers, administration and parents/guardians. Middle school students are characterized by increasing independence and seeking ways to connect with others. 

School Counseling Services: 

* Work with students individually, small and large groups 

* Provide classroom lessons to facilitate an inclusive approach to the school counseling program to increase knowledge and skills in areas of academic, social-emotional learning, and college & career awareness 

* Collaborate with teachers, administrators and families to better understand student needs and increase student success 

* Connect families with resources and referrals


Relax in a Virtual Calming Room

A Virtual Calming Room provides coloring pages, guided meditation, yoga, exercise, animal cams, calming music, puzzles, virtual games and more!


Helpful Information

Teacher Resources

Contact List