Educational Services

Thatcher Unified School District #4 is recognized for its rigorous, well-defined curriculum, and for the quality of programs and extracurricular activities. Across the curriculum, critical thinking skills are fostered in students in an effort to equip them with effective problem-solving and decision-making abilities. The curriculum also incorporates state-of-the-art technology and integrated instruction to prepare students for college and career readiness.

The Educational Services Department provides comprehensive support and services for the day-to-day functioning of TUSD#4. The department works directly with schools to maximize student learning and the services that enhance that learning.

The Educational Services Department provides support for student achievement through guaranteed and viable curriculum maps that teachers utilize to provide clear guidelines that delineate specific skills and knowledge that students should master throughout their K-12 experience, high quality instruction, and on-going assessment practices. TUSD#4 has been working diligently to transition instruction and student learning to the rigor of Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards.

Through a rigorous curriculum, on-going assessment practices, and varied student services, we continually promote a comprehensive approach to meeting the needs of all learners.

We look forward to our continued partnership as we strive to provide an exemplary education for TUSD#4 students.


Committed to providing an appropriate and outstanding educational experience for all students served.

