Governing Board
Regularly scheduled board meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. unless special circumstances require change or additional meetings. The Board meets at the District Administrative Center, 3490 West Main Street. Agendas are posted on the meeting schedule tab at least 24 hours prior to each meeting.
Visitors are welcome to speak at board meetings during the Call to the Public. To address the board, please fill out a public comment card before the meeting and hand it to the board secretary. By law, the board is not permitted to discuss items that have not been posted as agenda items. However, matters may be referred to the administration for study and response at a future meeting.
Periodically throughout the year, three or more board members may be in attendance at various school functions, activities or scheduled statewide school board conferences. None of the aforementioned activities are scheduled Thatcher Governing Board meetings and no district discussion nor action will take place.
Study sessions are scheduled as needed for the purpose of discussing one or more specific issues in depth. They may be scheduled separately, or held in conjunction with regular or special meetings. No action is taken during a study session.
All regular, special and emergency meetings of the Board are open to the public except during executive session. By Arizona law, executive sessions may be called by the governing board to discuss: (1) personnel matters; (2) meet and confer items (negotiations); (3) legal matters with attorneys; (4) purchase or lease of real property; and, (5) litigation.

Dr. Gary Sorensen
Dr. Debbie Chapman
Board Member
Ms. Kate McCluskey
Board Member
Mrs. Susan Hancock
Board Member
Mr. Travis Smith
Board Member